
  • Introduction

    Only Isapgol having extra purity of 95% in combination with Prebiotic Fiber (Inulin) to manage Constipation and improves over-all G.I health

  • Composition

    ISABGOL HUSK + Inulin

  • Indication

    Mild to moderate constipation & to improve digestive system

  • Product Information

    What is Fibapure?
    Fibapure is an extra pure bulk laxative along with a prebiotic indicated in chronic constipation

    What does Fibapure contain?
    Fibapure is a unique combination of high purity bulk laxative isabgol and a prebiotic inulin

    What is Fibapure for?
    Fibapure is indicated in the management of chronic constipation.

    How does Fibapure help?
    The extra pure isabgol in Fibapure is a bulk laxative which increases bulk of stools. Inulin in Fibapure is a soluble fibre which aids in relieving constipation and is also a prebiotic which enhances the growth of probiotic bacteria in the intestine.

    What are the benefits of Fibapure?
    Fibapure relieves the patient from chronic constipation by softening the stools. Proper use of Fibapure by the patient as per doctor's prescription can give relief to patients of anorectal disorders during defecation.

    What are the side-effects of Fibapure?
    Hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients.

    Recommended usage:
    1 teaspoonful one to three times a day as prescribed by the doctors.

    Directions for use:
    Add one teaspoonful of Fibapure powder to an empty glass, fill the glass with water, Stir well and drink, An additional glass of water should be consumed.

    Store under normal room temperature, do not use moist spoon. Close the jar tightly after every use.